July is UV Safety Awareness Month
Summer has arrived and while the sun is shining bright it's a golden time to highlight July as UV Safety Awareness Month!
We all love to take in those warm summer rays, but everyone must remember
Travel May Be One of the Greatest Gifts You Can Give an Elderly Loved One.
The trip may be to visit other family and, particularly, grandkids and great grandchildren. It may be an adventure to a destination, aboard a cruise ship or even a return to a home of long ago.
You may accompany your loved one....
Beat the Heat: Summertime Activity Ideas for Elders and Caregivers
During the hot months of summer, it is often advisable for seniors to stay indoors and keep cool. Senior are more prone to heat related illnesses. How can you stay active while keeping cool?
Elderly Summer Precautions: Senior Care Tips
The heat of summer is here and it is an important time to review some vital safety tips for seniors. Elderly persons are more prone to the effects of heat and at greater risk for dehydration. According to the CDC, elderly......
It Pays to Plan Ahead: Long Term Care Insurance
It Pays to Plan Ahead: Long-Term Care Insurance
They don’t call it the grey tide for nothing! Baby boomers are about to make up the largest senior population the world has ever seen, and if plans aren’t made now, getting old is going to be an extremely costly endeavor.
Understanding Dementia
Your memory often changes as you grow older. Some people may recognize changes in themselves before anyone else notices. Other times, friends and family will be the first to observe changes in memory, behavior or abilities. It may be hard to know the difference between age-related changes
Put a Spring in your Step!
Spring is an ideal time to get outside and enjoy the sunshine, smell the flowers and go for a walk! Walking is also an opportunity for people of all ages to increase activity and improve health. Fitting a simple 35-minute walk into...
May is National Stroke Awareness Month
May is National Stoke Awareness Month in the United States of America. Close to 800,000 strokes occur in the United States alone every year. Because of the high rate of strokes in this country, Stroke Awareness Month was designed to provide...
May is ALS Awareness Month
CareOne Senior Care, knows, first hand, the challenges of living with and caring for a loved one that has been diagnosed with ALS. Our personal experience as a family in finding and providing exceptional care to our loving Mother, who...
Growing and Gardening Together
To grow a more meaningful and healthy connection with an elderly loved one, put on some rubber clogs and head out together to the garden!
At any age, gardening is one of the best activities we can do outdoors. It stimulates all of...
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